Roman Underpants How to

I know that you’ve been wondering what kind of undergarment did the ancient Romans wear. Good news! Because I’m here to tell you; They wore a simple t-shaped cloth called a, “subligar”. “Subligar” translated means, “to be bound”. The diagram below demonstrates how a subligar is worn. “si pudor est,…

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Sem-pi-ternaladjective • sem-pi-tur-nl Etymology:LATIN semper (always)LATIN æternus (eternal) Definition:• Everlasting, eternal

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Looking Ahead From the Beginning

There’s an esthetic saying that writers don’t begin or end a story, they choose a moment to look ahead or back from. with that in mind, on our first outing we’re working on a series of graphic novels that do just that; The first book, “World War Dragons” chooses a…

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